Friday, 22 August 2014

School Bus DVR hard-drive replacements

You have a fleet of buses that have traditional DVR systems installed and they all use hard-drives. Just like the days of VHS tapes you are starting to find that your hard-drives are now starting to fail and break down. Hard-drives by their nature and design are prone to mechanical failure as they record the video data onto a spinning disk, a bit like the old days of vinyl records. After a while due to these moving parts and vibration of the vehicle they start to fail. Depending on when and the type of DVR system you purchased you may now find that you cannot find a hard-drive replacement unless you try and make one yourself. With hard-drives costing from $250 and upwards it might be an idea to consider replacing your video camera system for a SD Card video mobile video camera solution which costs $490 per vehicle and includes High Definition video as standard.

Why does tti only offer SD cards. There is a number of reasons why we recommend SD cards for video storage.
1. The SD has no moving parts so is more reliable than a hard-drive

2. SD cards are everywhere and are the standard for most electronics we find to day. Because of this there are huge cost savings with SD cards starting from around $20-$60

3. SD cards are small and easy to carry unlike hard-drives which are heavy and bulky 

4. Storage capacity. The argument many manufacturers make is that you need large 250GB hard-drives etc for video, however in our view this is just not necessary. With a 32GB SD card (Class 10) you can get upto 10 days of video. According to our customers if an accident or incident has happened you will be retriving that video very quckly either by demand from law enforcement or complaints from parents. The video is not going to sit around for weeks and months on the bus because if it does then it really was not an important incident at all. So why pay for months and months of storage when in reality its not even needed?

So if you are facing the issue of replacing DVR hard-drives then we welcome the opportunity of sending you a complete new camera system to evaluate for yourself and to see exactly the true value of a new camera system that only costs $490 per bus (Buddy NightOwl) and that includes High Definition video as standard.

TTI Tracking Technology Inc

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